Labels:bird | book | bulletin board | hakham | reckoner | sky OCR: TIFF 5.1 Appendires helps some images even more However many images tnot compress betier with this extra preprocessing. and for a significant I number of ' images. the compression ratio js actually SKM We are thereforc not making diffcrencing an integral part the TIFF LZW comprersion schene. However, , it is possible thal a "prediction" stage Hike differencing may exist which is effective broad range of images If such scheme 15 Fourk it may in the next major TIFF revision, If so. new value will x detined Tor the new TIFF tag. all TTFF that read LZW tiks mtist. pay atiention o the Predictor Lag If it i5 which the default case MZT decompression KEUI procead safely If it is not ani the reader doer rot recognize the specifiei prediction scheme, reader should give Mp Acknowledgements The origin ...